Additional Resources:
About Instructional Design
About the Author & CDG
Appendices, References, & Indices
Why This Website?
We built this website for several reasons:
- We have worked with HE instructors for many years at a variety of institutes and realized that, although they are experts in their discipline, they may not have been exposed to learning theories and principles. We hope that the workbook in Unit W and the background in Units A, B, and C provide the type of help they need to meet their personal goals in creating and teaching HE students.
- Although we received an offer to publish this as a real book, we realized that the material might be too dynamic. With constant changes in HE, continued research in how HE students learn, and increasing use of technologies by both instructors and students, the material needs to be in a format that can change to reflect that.
With this in mind, we hope you will take the time to let us know what you think. Contact us.
Copying and Using Material from This Site
The Course Design for HE Instructors Workbook: Applying Theories, Principles, and Practices holds a Creative Commons license. If you use all or part of this material, we ask that you provide an attribution, do not use the material for commercial purposes, and share back any changes, additions, and/or deletions you make.
If you would like support in customizing this material or creating your course, please contact us.
Within this website are references to many other authors and their work. This includes both excerpts from copyrighted materials and creative commons materials. Please be considerate when using their materials and use the references provided to get more about them.
In addition, the following icons are used in this website:
- Materials icon by DinosoftLab from the Noun Project
- Activity icon by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project
- Outline icon by Dilon Choudhury from the Noun Project
- Map icon by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project
- Intellect icon by Maxim Kulikov from the Noun Project
- Rocket icon by Vectorstall from the Noun Project
- Magnifying Glass icon by mikicon from the Noun Project
- Question icon by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project
- Teach by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project
- Goal by Lara from the Noun Project