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Author Information
Pat Reid
Pat is an expert in supporting faculty in designing and teaching effective, impactful courses. She has over 30 years experience shaping the minds of learners from all walks of life, from students in programs and courses to faculty members in a variety of consultations and workshops she has facilitated. She is the author of many publications about higher education faculty development. Pat has been a frequent presenter at national and international conferences. (MORE).
Other publications and presentations.
CDG Services
The Curriculum Design Group (CDG) is dedicated to providing effective course designs in half the time. We have two branches:
- Organizational Training Development, focusing on soft skills such as sales and marketing, meeting management, and leadership skills. Chair: Kuyler McComas
- Higher Education Course Development, focusing on using your instructors subject-matter expertise to develop effective for-credit learning for your students. Chair: Pat Reid
Writing a book is harder than I ever imagined. I started this because Adam, one of my kids, repeatedly told me to, but he died before telling what to write about! It took a year and the pandemic to figure it out, and a lot of talking with Sean, my other son. This is actually a culmination of many discussions with many people I worked with, but mostly Donalee Attardo, Kuyler McComas, and Kimber Andrews. So thank you all for putting up with my endless discussions about shortcomings of HE instructor support.