Digital storytelling tools

Based on: Bower, M., & Torrington, J. (2020). Typology of free web-based learning technologies (2020). EDUCAUSE digital library.

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Online book creation

Online book creation sites enable individual users to create a story based on pictures and text, and share them via URL or repository. These can allow adults to publish and distribute their work in book form, and there are also a range of tools that support story composition by younger students.

StoryJumper ( students to create and publish e-books by uploading their images and text
Tikatok ( allows students to create and publish e-books by uploading their images and text
StoryBird ( a wide variety of artistic theme-based templates and graphics to enhance and structure story creation
Mixbook ( site for creating books based on uploaded photos than enables collaborative authoring and sharing (including in print form)
Book Creator ( a user-friendly interface to combine text, images, audio and video to create, read or publish books

Comic strip creation

Comic strip creation sites allow users to drag and drop characters and backgrounds into templates and then overlaying individualized images and text. Comics are often used as elementary yet motivating ways to summarize scenarios or demonstrate processes.

Storyboard That ( users to drag and drop characters and backgrounds into templates and then overlaying individualized images and text
MakebeliefsComix ( users to drag and drop characters and backgrounds into templates and then overlaying individualized images and text
Pixton ( users to drag and drop characters and backgrounds into templates and then overlaying individualized images and text
WittyComics ( an adult genre for their comics

Animated videos

Animated video sites enable creation and sharing of animated videos and presentations through drag-and-drop interfaces with a large variety of elements, styles and templates. This is useful for creating videos without the need to shoot footage.

Powtoons ( creation and sharing of animated videos and presentations
Moovly ( creation and sharing of animated videos and presentations
DigitalFilms ( enables creation and sharing of animated videos and presentations
Voki ( customisable animated speaking avatars from written text, that can be shared to a range of platforms