Emergency Support Information You Should Have

A few months ago, I provided a list of basic support areas that will help you prepare for each term. Now, here is a list of other support areas that you may need in an emergency. Under the assumption that you may not have time to search online for the correct information, you may want to gather this ahead of time…  (Download Word version)

After hours  
Safety escorts  
Hazardous Materials  
Student Counseling  
Room access  
Room set-up  
Equipment issues  
Help Desk  

For each Parking Lot/Building/Room you regularly use

SecurityEmergency exitEmergency phone location
Alarms, Alerts & WarningsType of alertAction
Hazard Warning  
Lab accident  
Evacuation and Shelter In Place Procedures
(Copy from institute’s website)

The following information, from Stanford University (n.d.) might also be handy…

AccidentReport the emergency. Give first aid. Stay with the victim.
FirePull the fire alarm. Evacuate the building. Do not use elevators. Use stairs.
EarthquakeDuck. Cover. Hold on. Wait until shaking stops to evacuate. Do not use elevators. Building damage must be assessed before re-entry is allowed.
Active ThreatRun. Hide. Fight. Report a threat or suspicious object. Follow police instructions.
Power OutageAssess the extent of the outage in your area. Help others in darkened rooms. Do not light candles. Keep LED lanterns and flashlights nearby.

From: Stanford University. (n.d.). Emergency Information Wallet Card – Stanford Environmental Health & Safety. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from https://ehs.stanford.edu/forms-tools/emergency-information-wallet-card

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