Unit W – The IDI Workbook
Step 5. How Did It Go?
5.1 Evaluate course success

Throughout your course you have noted changes and improvements. This chapter asks you to take time to reflect on all of these and identify specific changes for this and other courses.
5.1 Results (What)
- Analysis of how well students learned each learning outcome.
- Analysis of how well activities met learning outcomes.
- Analysis of course evaluations and assessments.
5.1 Overview (Why)
The vast majority of instructors never teach the same course twice – that is, they may be assigned the same course, but they teach it differently each time. To help you identify changes for the next offering (and potentially for other courses as well), the last step in course design is reviewing how it went and identifying changes.
In step 4 of the IDI model you identified methods for assessing your course and your teaching. Throughout the term you have used these and your class outlines to identify potential issues. While you may have been making changes as you progressed through the term, it is also important to review at the end of the term to identify themes. Remember that it is within the nature of most people to focus on one or two negatives and ignore all the positives! Your TLC may be able to help you focus on themes and identify positive actions.
5.1 Suggestions/Instructions (How & What If)
- Review all notes on all the class outlines to note what went well, what could have been improved, and what you need to change. (B5, C12)
- Compare student grades to learning outcomes to identify how well the course worked to help students accomplish the learning outcomes and objectives. (C6T, C12)
- Review all forms of feedback you received from students, other instructors, and others (Hattie, 2011, p.137). (C12)
- Review any CATS such as muddiest points and biggest questions to identify student concerns. (C12)
- Reflect on student questions about assignments, activities, and other class aspects to identify problem areas. (C2, C12)
- Considering all the feedback and notes, ask:
- Did students learn/perform better after lessons on metacognition and study skills? (A4, C12)
- Was the course structure appropriate (mode, model, assessments, and major activities)? (C6, C12)
- Was there a significant gap between desired and actual student accomplishments? (C2, C6, C12)
- Was there a significant demographic reflected in the grades? (A5, C12)
- Were the learning outcomes appropriate for this class of students? (C2, C12)
- Did students improve their work on assignment revisions? (C7, C12)
- Were there specific stumbling blocks for students? (C12)
- What topics were problematic? (A2, A3, A4, A8, A9, C12)
- What principles were lacking or needing more work? (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C12)
- What teaching techniques did not work as well as they could (technologies, readings, discussions, etc.)? (C5, C6, C12)
5.1 Worksheets
5.1. Course and Teaching Evaluation
Use this form to review student evaluation, notes on course outlines, and other feedback forms.
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5.1 References
Hattie, J. (2011). Which strategies best enhance teaching and learning in higher education? In Empirical research in teaching and learning: Contributions from social psychology. (pp. 130–142). Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444395341.ch8.