Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies

Recently, I was looking for a web-based tool to create quizzes to use in class as polls. I found the 2020 Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies written by Bower & Torrington and published in the EDUCAUSE’s digital library. This typology has a LOT of interesting tools listed in 14 categories, with links to each tool.

It occurred to me that this list would be handy for a lot of instructors, so I contacted the authors and received permission to move the article into a series of webpages and a spreadsheet. While doing this, I checked to ensure the tools were still available and made a note of those that I couldn’t find.

The webpages list the tools by category and sub-category. The spreadsheet provides a variety of sorts, including by teaching function.

While I realize this is now 4 years old, the authors Bower & Torrington and I are discussing how to update the typology. If you have suggestions, please email designgrponline@gmail.com

Link to Free Web-based Learning Technologies
Link to Googlesheet of technologies

I hope you find this useful!

Bower, M., & Torrington, J. (2020). Typology of free web-based learning technologies (2020). EDUCAUSE digital libraryhttps://library.educause.edu/resources/2020/4/typology-of-free-web-based-learning-technologies

2 thoughts on “Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies”

  1. We at CLT at Forman Christian College University Lahore, Pakistan worked on _ Educause (226) Web-based Learning Technologies and formatted
    it as
    1. Table of all 226 tools by CLT, see – https://docs.google.com/document/d/13spMmtqGaEcr-vvI-_bLcAxDFJw-4qwOk7p_TwCwoN8/edit

    2. An intermediate version, see – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x4tgPQAqun7cS2MEA9mAoy3pQf36WUbPHWCy_BdhPQE/edit

    3. Basic version for our New Faculty to explore – see- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sgks3eJ5Z9e6z5IhL_g8Fbd5SIF2aeC6-tDGRaDFfyk/edit

    • Thanks for this. I will spend some time looking at it next week. I have spoken with the original authors about possibly doing an update, too.


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