Unit W – The IDI Workbook
Step 2: Where Are You Going?
2.2 Finalize Learning Model

2.2 Results (What)
- Selection of a teaching and learning model (lecture, flipped…)
- Beginnings of your syllabus
- Basic classroom/technology requirements
2.2 Overview (Why)
Before starting most journeys, you want to identify where you will end up. In HE courses, identifying what you want your students to be able to do by the end of the course will help you and your students stay focused on the important elements. In this chapter, you will identify outcomes and objectives.
At the end of this question, you will have identified the high-level approach(s) to the course. Is it online? Is it synchronous? Is it lecture-based?… (If you are interested in examining options more, see the major learning models detailed in B3.)
This is also where you will also start your syllabus. For details on formatting and topics for your syllabus, see C3: Syllabus.
2.2 Suggestions
The following suggestions are grouped into the following:
- Learning Structure
- Equipment & Technology
- Syllabus
Learning Structure
- If you have a required course structure (How, When, and Where the course occurs), skip to the Technology section, below.
- Identify if you have a required learning temporal or spatial pattern. If yes, highlight it on Worksheet 2.2a. (B3) and skip to 6, below.
- If you do not have a required course structure, review the options in Worksheet 2.2a. (B3). Consider your learning philosophy and which models reflect your goals for level of activity and transformation. (A1, A2, A3, B3 , B2)
- Complete Worksheet 2.2b – Components of interest.
- Review the descriptions for each model and highlight models which interest you – Worksheet 2.2a. (B3)
- Review the space and technology requirements (Worksheet 2.2a) to determine if this limits your choices or impacts potential activities.
- Think about how you will fit subject content into models and modes you are considering. (C6)
- If you lecture, consider how you can support students in learning from a lecture. (C6)
- If your course has a lab section, consider what learning models might be appropriate. (B3, C7)
- Develop a list of activities to motivate students (such as how to motivate students to do readings or start a project early) and to encourage interaction with students (Chickering & Gamson, 1987; Hattie, 2011). (A10, B2, B3)
- Finalize your structure (B3) based on:
- Student learning characteristics (A4, A5, A7, A8)
- Term-long activities (A2, A3, B3, C7)
- Level of learning (taxonomies) (A6)
- Required competency levels (A9)
- Student motivation (A10)
- Student epistemological stage (A7)
- Desired assessments & activities (C7)
- Group or paired activities supported by selected model (Chickering & Gamson, 1987). (B2, B3)
- Identify what support teams (disability support, IDs, ETs, etc.) might be available to support you and your students and what types of support they will provide. (B2, C5, B1, B3, B3, B5, B6)
- Work with student disability services to proactively identify how specific learning models provide learner variability within your discipline (CAST, n.d.). (B3)
- If using self-regulated learning or learning contracts, provide checklists and regular check-in dates (Hargis, 2020). (B2)
Equipment & Technology
- Identify what is required using the following worksheets. (If your course is HyFlex, complete all these forms) (C5, B3)
- Worksheet 2.2c – Synchronous Online Requirements
- Worksheet 2.2d – Synchronous Classroom Requirements
- Worksheet 2.2e – Asynchronous Requirements
- Identify what technology might be available in assigned rooms. If you need a different room, contact your registrar. (C5, B3)
- Identify any student disability support services which might be available. (C5, B3)
- Use the appropriate checklist(s) to test required equipment and technologies.
- Identify what training you and your students might need to access and use the technology. (C5, B3)
- Check to see if your organization has LMS templates for the structure and model you have selected.
- Identify how you can best use the tools and technologies, including LMS layout, room layout, furniture, and equipment to encourage active learning (such as think-pair-share, small group work, in-class chats, etc.) (Chickering & Gamson, 1987; Hattie, 2011). (B2, C5)
- Consider using either the Quality Matters or OLC Quality Scorecard (Online Learning Consortium, n.d.; Quality Matters, n.d.). (B2, C5)
2.2 Worksheets
Go to: Worksheets (Word doc opens in new tab)
2.2a – Learning Model
Use this to investigate possible pedagogical aspects of your course.
2.2b – Components of Interest
Use this checklist to identify types of pedagogical components that interest you. This may be particularly helpful if you are not sure on the structure based on 2.2a and b.
2.2c – Synchronous Online Requirements & Checklist
If your course includes an online synchronous component, this form may help you identify identify and ensure you have all the equipment you need.
2.2d – Synchronous Classroom Requirements & Checklist
If your course is synchronous, this form may help identify identify and ensure you have all the equipment you need.
2.2e – Asynchronous Requirements & Checklist
If your course includes an online asynchronous component, this form may help you identify identify and ensure you have all the equipment you need.
2.2f – LMS Equipment, Materials, and Technologies
This form may help you identify features of your LMS and video-conferencing program that may provide additional approaches.
Go to:
Step 2.1
Unit A. Theories
Go to: W2.2 Details as .pdf (opens in new tab)
Go to: W2.2 Worksheets (Word doc opens in new tab)
2.2 References
Arkoudis, S., Watty, K., Baik, C., Yu, X., Borland, H., Chang, S., Lang, I., Lang, J., & Pearce, A. (2013). Finding common ground: Enhancing interaction between domestic and international students in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 18(3), 222–235. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2012.719156.
Booker, K. C., & Campbell-Whatley, G. D. (2018). How Faculty Create Learning Environments for Diversity and Inclusion. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 13, 14–27.
CAST. (n.d.). Critical Elements of UDL In Instruction | Learning Designed. Learning Designed. Retrieved August 6, 2022, from https://www.learningdesigned.org/resource/critical-elements-udl-instruction.
Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. AAHE Bulletin. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED282491.
EnACT~PTD. (n.d.). Universal Design for Learning: A Rubric for Evaluating Your Course Syllabus. EnACT~PTD. https://enact.sonoma.edu/c.php?g=789377&p=5650618.
Gannon, K. (2018). How to Create a Syllabus: Advice Guide. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/interactives/advice-syllabus.
Hargis, J. (2020, March). Rapid Course Conversion into Online. Google Docs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y2_k1tBM5q07WLVwzCRTZsUe_9K_Tls7E3dwCBvwFOI/edit?usp=sharing&usp=embed_facebook.
Hattie, J. (2011). Which strategies best enhance teaching and learning in higher education? In Empirical research in teaching and learning: Contributions from social psychology. (pp. 130–142). Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444395341.ch8.
Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation, Clemson University. (n.d.). Diversity & Inclusion Syllabus Statements. Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation, Clemson University. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from https://www.clemson.edu/otei/resources/review-of-teaching.html.
Online Learning Consortium. (n.d.). OLC Quality Scorecard—Improve the Quality of Online Learning & Teaching. OLC. Retrieved July 7, 2020, from https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/consult/olc-quality-scorecard-suite/.
Quality Matters. (n.d.). Higher Ed Course Design Rubric. Quality Matters. Retrieved July 7, 2020, from https://www.qualitymatters.org/qa-resources/rubric-standards/higher-ed-rubric.
Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. (2020). Effective Teaching Is Anti-Racist Teaching. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University, 1812. https://www.brown.edu/sheridan/teaching-learning-resources/inclusive-teaching/effective-teaching-anti-racist-teaching.
Go to:
Step 2.1
Unit A. Theories
Go to: W2.2 Details as .pdf (opens in new tab)
Go to: W2.2 Worksheets (Word doc opens in new tab)