
Link to Locations of Figures, Tables, & Worksheets
Link to Glossary and List of Abbreviations

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A-B         C-D         E-F          G-H        I-J           K-L          M-N       O-P        Q-R        S-T          U-V        W-X       Y-Z

1.1 Review Course Requirements – ResultsW1
1.2 Identify Student Learning Characteristics – ResultsW1
12 Principles for Designing Multimedia from Mayer (2005)B6
2.1 Write Learning Outcomes & Objectives – ResultsW2.1
2.2 Finalize Learning Model- ResultsW2.2
3.1 Develop Assessments & Rubrics – ResultsW3
3.2 Develop Instruments to Evaluate the Course – ResultsW3
4.1 Develop & Teach Course  – ResultsW4
4.2 Assess Students – ResultsW4
5.1 Evaluate course success– ResultsW5
5.2 Identify changes– ResultsW5


A – Teaching & Learning TheoriesUnit A
A. Models Using Transformative PedagogiesB3
A1 – Learning PhilosophiesA1
A10 – MotivationA10
A11 – Load, Power, and MarginA11
A2 – Schemas & Threshold ConceptsA2
A3 – Active and Transformative LearningA3
A4 – MetacognitionA4
A5 – Transformative Inclusivity & DiversityA5
A6 – Taxonomies/DomainsA6
A7 – Student Epistemological GrowthA7
A8 – Cognitive LoadA8
A9 – Student CompetencyA9
AAC&U’s Goals of Liberal EducationA3
About Instructional DesignAbout ID
About SiteAbout
About the Author & CDGAbout
Academic DishonestyA10
Accepting Conflicting InformationA2
Active and Transformative LearningA3
Active LearningA3
Activities & Apps by Bloom’s Cognitive LevelsC5
Activities & Apps by Bloom’s Cognitive LevelsC7
Activities & TopicsC7
Activities Designed for ClassroomC7
Activities for LearningC7
Activities ListsC7
Activity Description for Long-Term Group WorkC11
Activity IntroducationC11
Activity Introducation – Inclusion StrategiesC11
Affective Domain (Wording from D. R. Clark, 2015a)A6
Affective Domain CategoriesA6
Angelo & Cross’s Teaching GoalsA3
Angelo & Cross’s Teaching GoalsC2
Answering Unasked QuestionsB2
Appendices, References, & IndicesA,R,&I
Applying the ARCS ModelA10
ARCS ModelA10
Articles That May Interest YouC9
Articles That May Interest You – Class DiscussionsC9
Assess Students – ResultsW4
Assessing Group WorkC11
Assessing Transformative & Active LearningA3
Assessment & Reaffirmation of Foundational Oral Communication Outcome Purdue UniversityC2
Assessment by Peer StudentsC11
Assessments & ActivitiesC7
Assignments & Assessments FeedbackC10
Asynchronous Courses & Blended CoursesC1
Asynchronous DiscussionsC9
Asynchronous Instructor PresenceC4
Author Information – Pat ReidAbout-CDG
B – Learning & Instructional Design PrinciplesUnit B
B. Models Which Are Active With An Online FocusB3
B1-Learning PrinciplesB1
B2-Good Teaching PracticeB2
B3-Design Principles B3
B4-Inclusivity & Diversity in the ClassroomB4
B5-Principles for Class OutlineB5
B6-Multimedia PrinciplesB6
Backward DesignAbout ID
Backward DesignB3
Basic Course StructureB3
Basic steps in selecting readingsC8
Before the First ClassC4
Behaviorist LearningA1
Belief About the Nature of Knowledge & Knowing Based on Hofer & PintrichA7
Bloom’s Cognitive Levels Activities and Apps C5
Bloom’s Cognitive Levels Activities and Apps C7
Bloom’s Taxonomies /Domains A6
Bloom’s Taxonomies Reference Sheets (.pdf)Bloom
Bookending TechniqueC6
Buffet ModelB3


C – Teaching PracticesUnit C
C. Models Which Are Active Traditionally Offered in a ClassroomB3
C10-Feedback on Student Assignments & AssessmentsC10
C11-Group WorkC11
C12-Improving the Course & Your TeachingC12
C1-Schedule for Course DevelopmentC1
C2-Learning Goals, Outcomes, & ObjectivesC2
C4-The First Class SessionC4
C5-Technology UseC5
C7-Assessments & ActivitiesC7
C8-Course ReadingsC8
C9-Class DiscussionsC9
Can Online Learning be Active or Transformative?A3
Case-Based Learning (CBL) ModelB3
CATS (Classroom Assessment Techniques)A3
CATS (Classroom Assessment Techniques)C7
CDG ServicesAbout-CDG
Class Discussion Suggestions Specifically to Support Diversity and InclusivityC9
Class DiscussionsC9
Class Discussions Articles That May Interest YouC9
Class Discussions AsynchronousC9
Class Discussions SynchronousC9
Class Discussions Tense & DifficultC9
Class OutlineB5
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATS)Blog Post
Classroom/Online Equipment, Materials, & TechnologyC5
Close the First Class SessionC4
Close the SessionC4
Cognition & IDIA8
Cognitive DissonanceA8
Cognitive Domain (Wording from D. R. Clark, 2015)A6
Cognitive Domain Categories (Wording from Churches, 2009; D. R. Clark, 2015)A6
Cognitive LearningA1
Cognitive Levels of Feedback from Day (n.d.)C10
Cognitive LoadA8
Cognitive Load & Collaborative LearningA8
Cognitive Taxonomy Cognitive & Knowledge Dimensions(Adapted from Huitt, n.d.)A6
Cognitive Taxonomy Knowledge DimensionA6
Cognitive, Affective & Psychomotor TaxonomiesA6
Combination of Activities ListsC7
Common Activities Based on Pedagogical Approach/ModelB3
Common Pedagogical Approaches/Learning ModelsB3
Common Pedagogical Models and Transformative LearningB3
Common Theories of Student Epistimological GrowthA7
Competency & ConfidenceA9
Competency vs Confidence QuadrantsA9
Cone of LearningA3
Connecting to StudentsB2
Constructivist LearningA1
Contact UsContact
Content Feedback on Student Assignments & AssessmentsC10
Contiguity, Repetition, Reinforcement, & Social-CulturalB1
Copying and Using Material from This SiteAbout
Course Development ScheduleC1
Course GoalsC2
Course Learning OutcomesC2
Course Outcomes & Objectives & IDIC2
Course OverviewC4
Course Overview on First ClassC4
Course ReadingsC8
Course Structure DetailsB3
Course Structure: The How, When, & Where of LearningB3
Covering the Material vs Transformative LearningA3
Creating Lecture VideosC6
Creative Options for Grading Assignments & AssessmentsC7
Cross & Angelo Teaching GoalsA3
Cross & Angelo Teaching GoalsC2
D. Models Not Traditionally Considered Active with a Combination of Online & ClassroomB3
Defining Active & Transformational LearningA3
Defining Culture, Race And EthnicityB4
Defining DiversityB4
Design Principles B3
Develop & Teach Course  – ResultsW4
Develop Assessments & Rubrics – ResultsW3
Develop Instruments to Evaluate the Course – ResultsW3
Diagnostic Assessment ContentsC7
Diagnostic AssessmentsC7
Dick and Carey’s ID ModelAbout ID
Different Types of Educational TaxonomiesA6
Direction & Level of Feedback Based on Hattie & Timperley (2007)C10
Discipline Specific ActivitiesC7
Discussion Forum Other UsesC7
Discussion Suggestions Specifically to Support Diversity and InclusivityC9
Discussion TipsC9
Discussions AsynchronousC9
Discussions SynchronousC9
Distance Learning: Online, Hybrid, HyFlex, and ERTB3
Diversity Includes DisabilityB4
Do You Need 50 CATS?Blog Post


E. Models Not Traditionally Considered ActiveB3
Emergency Remote TeachingB3
Emporium ModelB3
Encouraging ParticipationC9
Epistemological Growth & IDIA7
Establish Ground RulesC9
Evaluate course success– ResultsW5
Evaluate the Room EnvironmentC4
Example outcomes from Fowler (2016)C2
Examples – Transformative Inclusivity & DiversityA5
Examples of FeedbackC10
Examples of Objective Verb SelectionC2
Examples of SMART Objectives from Chatterjee & CorralC2
Examples of Transformative Inclusivity & DiversityA5
Executive FunctioningA8
Extraneous LoadA8
Feedback Example from Taylor (2013)C10
Feedback ExamplesC10
Feedback ImportanceC10
Feedback on Student Assignments & AssessmentsC10
Feedback RoleC7
Feedback Types – DirectionC10
Feedback Using Rubrics C10
Feedback. SOLO (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome)C10
Finalize Learning Model- ResultsW2
Find Your Institute’s Syllabus TemplateC3
Fink’s Significant LearningA3
Fink’s Significant Learning by DesignAbout ID
First Class SessionC4
Flipped CoursesB3
Flow from Outcomes to ObjectivesC2
Formative AssessmentsC7
Forming GroupsC11
Forward and Backward DesignB3
From “College Student Demographics | Postsecondary Success,” 2016)B4
Fully OnlineB3


Getting & Keeping Students’ AttentionA8
Getting Students to Come to Class PreparedC7
Glossary & Abbreviations (.pdf)A,R,&I
Goals, Outcomes & ObjectivesB1
Goals, TeachingA3
Goals, TeachingC2
Good Teaching Practice in Undergraduate Education PrinciplesB2
Good Teaching Principles OnlineB2
Grading SchemaC7
Group ContractsC11
Group WorkC11
Group Work – Student ReactionC11
Group Work AssessmentC11
Group Work for DiversityC11
Group Work Handouts for StudentsC11
Group Work Long-TermC11
Group Work Ongoing ManagementC11
Group Work RationaleC11
Group Work Short-TermC11
Group Work TechnologyC11
Group Work Voting Students Out of a GroupC11
Handouts for StudentsC11
Helping Students Participate – Class DiscussionsC9
Helping Students Through Their TransformationsA3
Higher-Order SkillsA6
Homework Time EstimatesC7
How Does This Help You?A6
How Outcomes Guide Course DesignA6
How The UDL Guidelines HelpB4
How to Cheat Using ChatGPTBlog Post
How To Find What Is Available & What Is SupportedC5
How to Reduce Discrepancies between Desired & Actual Performance (adapted from Hattie & Timperley, 2007, p. 87)C10
How to Use This SiteHelp
How Will You Get There?W4
How Will You Know If You Get There?W3
Humanist LearningA1
Hybrid TeachingB3
HyFlex ModelB3
HyFlex TeachingB3


Ice Breaker IdeasC4
ID in Business and IndustryAbout ID
ID Models Commonly Used in TrainingAbout ID
ID Models specifically for higher educationAbout ID
ID Theories/ModelsAbout ID
Identify changes – ResultsW5
Identify Student Learning Characteristics – ResultsW1
Identifying Transformative Outcomes for Your CourseA3
IDI & Active & Transformative LearningA3
IDI & AssessmentsC7
IDI & Asynchronous CoursesC1
IDI & Class DiscussionsC9
IDI & Class OutlineB5
IDI & CognitionA8
IDI & Course Outcomes & ObjectivesC2
IDI & Course ReadingsC8
IDI & Design PrinciplesB3
IDI & Epistemological GrowthA7
IDI & Feedback to StudentsC10
IDI & Good Teaching PrinciplesB2
IDI & Group WorkC11
IDI & Improving the Course & Your TeachingC12
IDI & Inclusivity for Equal AccessB4
IDI & Learning ModelsB3
IDI & Learning PhilosophiesA1
IDI & Learning PrinciplesB1
IDI & Lectures/Disseminating ContentC6
IDI & Load, Power, and MarginA11
IDI & MetacognitionA4
IDI & MotivationA10
IDI & Multimedia PrinciplesB6
IDI & Schema & Threshold ConceptsA2
IDI & Student CompetencyA9
IDI & SyllabusC3
IDI & Syllabus Recommendations from Other ChaptersC3
IDI & Synchronous CoursesC1
IDI & TaxonomiesA6
IDI & Technology UseC5
IDI & the First Class SessionC4
IDI & Transformational Inclusivity OutcomesA5
IDI Model Image (.pdf)IDI Model
If You Must LectureC6
Implications for Teaching – Cognitive DissonanceA8
Improving the Course & Your TeachingC12
Inclusive Course Outcomes for Equal LearningA5
Inclusive Course Outcomes for Transformational LearningA5
Inclusivity & Diversity Aspects – Content & PracticesB4
Inclusivity & Diversity in the ClassroomB4
Inclusivity for Equal AccessB4
Inclusivity for Equal Access & for Transformative Learning OutcomesA5
Indices, References, & AppendicesA,R,&I
Individual Student ProjectsC7
Inquiry-Based Learning ModelB3
Institute Requirements for Course OutcomesC2
Instructional DesignAbout ID
Instructional Design for Instructors ModelAbout ID
Instructional Design Theories/ModelsAbout ID
Instructor ‘Presence’B2
Instructor Presence OnlineB2
Instructor Technology UseC5
International StudentsB4
Introduce Yourself & CourseC4
Introducing the ActivityC11
Introducing the ActivityC7
Introducing the Activity – Inclusion StrategiesC11
Is the Activity Accomplishing What You Want?C6


Kemp’s ID ModelAbout ID
Labs for Online and Hybrid CoursesB3
Large Classes & Transformative LearningA3
Learning & Instructional Design PrinciplesUnit B
Learning ActivitiesC7
Learning Goals, Outcomes, & ObjectivesC2
Learning Models & IDIB3
Learning Outcomes Vs Learning ObjectivesC2
Learning PhilosophiesA1
Learning PrinciplesB1
Learning vs TeachingUnit A
Lecture & Transformative LearningA3
Lecture VideosC6
Lecture, Lecture + Recitation, Lecture + LabB3
Lecture, lecture and lab, and lecture and recitation course  modelsB3
Lectures – Adding Activities & Assignments Which Are More TransformativeA3
Lectures – Including Interaction During LecturesA3
Lectures/Disseminating ContentC6
Lesson PlansB5
Levels of TransformationA3
Linked Workshop ModelB3
Lists of a Combination of ActivitiesC7
Lists of ActivitiesC7
Lists of Technologies for LearningC5
Load, Power, and MarginA11
Locations of Figures, Tables and WorksheetsLocations
Long-Term Group WorkC11
Long-Term Group Work Activity DescriptionC11


Many Students Don’t Like Group WorkC11
Matching UDL & Grasser PrinciplesB1
McGuire & McGuire’s Metacognition StrategiesA5
Measuring ActivityA3
Memorize or Find?A9
Methods to Receive Instructor FeedbackC12
Model of the Memory SystemA8
Models Not Traditionally Considered ActiveB3
Models Not Traditionally Considered Active with a Combination of Online & ClassroomB3
Models Using Transformative PedagogiesB3
Models Which Are Active Traditionally Offered in a ClassroomB3
Models Which Are Active with an Online FocusB3
More About the AuthorsMore
Motivational Outcome & ObjectivesA10
Multimedia PrinciplesB6
Nature of KnowingA7
Nature of KnowledgeA7
Navigation suggestionsHelp


Objectives, LearningC2
Online Conference Call CoursesC4
Online Good Teaching PrinciplesB2
Online Instructor PresenceB2
Online Learning – Active or Transformative?A3
Online Student LabsC7
Oral Communication VALUEC2
Organizations Supporting High-Quality Online CoursesB3
Other Publications and PresentationsPubs
Other Uses for a Discussion ForumC7
Outcomes & ObjectivesC2
Outcomes, LearningC2
Outside the ClassroomB2
Outside the ClassroomB4
Overviews of Important Teaching & Course Design Theories, Principles, & PracticesHome
Pedagogical Aspect of Course StructureB3
Pedagogical ModelsB3
Pedagogical Models and Transformative LearningB3
Peer & Self Feedback Examples from Taylor (2013)C10
Peer AssessmentC11
Policy & Law-Based Learning ModelB3
Practice: Assessments & ActivitiesC7
Practice: Class DiscussionsC9
Practice: Course ReadingsC8
Practice: Feedback on Student Assignments & AssessmentsC10
Practice: Group WorkC11
Practice: Improving the Course & Your TeachingC12
Practice: Learning Goals, Outcomes, & ObjectivesC2
Practice: LecturesC6
Practice: Schedule for Course DevelopmentC1
Practice: SyllabusC3
Practice: Technology UseC5
Practice: The First Class SessionC4
Principle: DesignB3
Principle: for Class OutlinesB5
Principle: Good Teaching PracticeB2
Principle: Inclusivity & Diversity in the ClassroomB4
Principle: LearningB1
Principle: MultimediaB6
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) ModelB3
Problem-Based Learning ResourcesC7
Program goalsC2
Program: Communication, BA – Purdue UniversityC2
Project Management for StudentsC7
Project WorkC11
Project-Based Learning ModelB3
Psychomotor Domain Categories (Wording from D. R. Clark, 2015c)A6
Psychomotor Domain. (Wording from D. R. Clark, 2015c)A6
Purdue Foundational Learning Outcomes SampleC2
Purdue University’s ID ModelAbout ID
Pyramids or Steps?A6


Quick ReferencesA,R,&I
Rationale For Group WorkC11
Reacting to FeedbackC12
References, Appendices, & IndicesA,R,&I
Reid, PatAbout-CDG
Relation of Goals, Outcomes, & ObjectivesC2
Remember First ClassC4
Replacement ModelB3
Research On Transformative LearningA3
Results of Diagnostic AssessmentsC7
Review Course Requirements – ResultsW1
Revisit Your SyllabusC3
Role of FeedbackC7
Rubrics – Why, What, & HowBlog Post


Sample Syllabus Formats & StatementsC3
Scaffolding & Zone of Proximal DevelopmentA9
Schedule for Course DevelopmentC1
Schema DefinedA2
Schemas & Threshold ConceptsA2
Sections To IncludeC3
Seek Help EarlyC1
Selecting a Structure: Temporal, Spatial, and PedagogicalB3
Selecting Course Readings/TextbooksC8
Selecting TechnologyC5
Selection considerationsC8
Selective AttentionA8
Self-Evaluation of InstructionC12
Sequencing Outcomes & ObjectivesC2
Short-Term Group WorkC11
Should You Lecture?C6
Simple Schema ExampleA2
Site MapSite Map
Site Outcomes & ObjectivesHome
SMART Criteria for ObjectivesC2
SMART ObjectivesC2
Social LearningA1
Social-Cultural Principles of LearningB1
SOLO (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome)C10
SOLO Verbs & Examples (From Frame, n.d.)C10
Spatial Aspects of Course StructureB3
STEM Diversity and Inclusion IssuesB4
Step 1: Where Are You Starting?W1
Step 2: Where Are You Going?W2
Step 3: How Will You Know If You Get There?W3
Step 4: How Will You Get There?W4
Step 5. How Did It Go?W5
Steps in the ARCS Motivational Design Process (From Keller, 2010, p.6)A10
Strategies That Include Directions for Online and Distance UseC7
Strategies That Recommend Student TechnologiesC7
Structure: The How, When, & Where of LearningB3
Student CompetencyA9
Student cost for course readingsC8
Student DiversityB4
Student Epistemological GrowthA7
Student Evaluation of the Course & TeachingC12
Student IntroductionsC4
Student Project ManagementC7
Student ProjectsC7
Student Self-Assessment Examples of Feedback from Harris et al. (2014, p. 6)C10
Student Technology in the ClassroomC5
Student Technology UseC5
Student Technology Use for Online CoursesC5
Suggestions Specifically to Support Diversity and InclusivityC9
Suggestions Specifically to Support Diversity and Inclusivity – Class DiscussionsC9
Summative AssessmentsC7
Supplemental ModelB3
Support for Asynchronous StudentsB3
Supporting Executive FunctioningA8
Syllabus & First ClassC4
Syllabus Formats & Statements SamplesC3
Syllabus Sections To IncludeC3
Synchronous CoursesC1
Synchronous DiscussionsC9
Taxonomies’ Illustrations & VerbsA6
Teaching & Learning TheoriesUnit A
Teaching Goals InventoryA3
Teaching Goals InventoryC2
Teaching MetacognitionA7
Teaching PracticesUnit C
Team-Based Learning (TBL) ModelB3
Technologies for Learning – ListsC5
Technology – How To Find What Is Available & What Is SupportedC5
Technology For Group WorkC11
Technology UseC5
Temporal Aspect of Course StructureB3
Tense & Difficult DiscussionsC9
Theory: Active and Transformative LearningA3
Theory: Cognitive LoadA8
Theory: Learning PhilosophiesA1
Theory: Learning vs Teaching Unit A
Theory: Load, Power, and MarginA11
Theory: MetacognitionA8
Theory: MotivationA10
Theory: Schemas & Threshold ConceptsA2
Theory: Student CompetencyA9
Theory: Student Epistemological GrowthA7
Theory: Taxonomies/DomainsA6
Theory: Transformative Inclusivity & DiversityA5
Threshold Concepts (TCs)A2
Transformative Inclusivity & DiversityA5
Transformative LearningA3
Transformative Learning and Pedagogical ModelsB3
Transformative Learning and TaxonomiesA3
Transformative Learning ProcessA3
Transformative Outcomes IdentificationA3
Two Aspects of Diversity – Content & PracticesB4
Types of Feedback – DirectionC10
Types of technologyC5



W1.1 InstructionsW1.1
W1.1 Worksheets (.doc)W1.1
W1.2 InstructionsW1.2
W1.2 Worksheets (.doc)W1.2
W1-Step 1: Where Are You Starting?W1
W2.1 InstructionsW2.1
W2.1 Worksheets (.doc)W2.1
W2.2 InstructionsW2.2
W2.2 Worksheets (.doc)W2.2
W2-Step 2: Where Are You Going?W2
W3.1 InstructionsW3.1
W3.1 Worksheets (.doc)W3.1
W3.2 InstructionsW3.2
W3.2 Worksheets (.doc)W3.2
W3-Step 3: How Will You Know If You Get There?W3
W4.1 InstructionsW4.1
W4.1 Worksheets (.doc)W4.1
W4.2 InstructionsW4.2
W4.2 Worksheets (.doc)W4.2
W4-Step 4: How Will You Get There?W4
W5.1 InstructionsW5.1
W5.1 Worksheets (.doc)W5.1
W5.2 InstructionsW5.2
W5.2 Worksheets (.doc)W5.2
W5-Step 5: How Did It Go?W5
What Active Learning Is NOTA3
What do you want your students to accomplish?Blog Post
What is this site?Home
When to consider technologyC5
Where Are You Going?W2
Where Are You Starting?W1
Who to Contact for HelpHelp
Why Inclusivity is Important for Equal LearningB4
Why Is Formative Feedback Important?C10
Why the Focus on Bloom’s Taxonomies?A6
Why This Website?About
Workbook That Applies Educational Theories, Principles, and PracticesHome
Write Learning Outcomes & Objectives – ResultsW2
Writing Learning OutcomesC2
Writing ObjectivesC2
Writing Up Formative & Summative Activities/StrategiesC7


Your ExpectationsC4
Your Role in Teaching MetacognitionA4
Zone of Proximal Development & ScaffoldingA9
ZPD & ScaffoldingA9
ZPD GrowthA9